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BSM visits EVS29 together with LEMnet

The German Association for Solar Mobility (BSM) and LEMnet Europe e.V. present their activities in Montreal, when the world's electromobilists gather for the Electric Vehicle Symposion (EVS 29). The common aim to globally reduce traffic-induced emissions will create an instructive atmosphere, even though Chinese megacities' representatives, American activists, scandinavian Tesla-drivers or French car manufacturers may not agree on every issue.

From June 19th to 22nd the world's electromobility association WEVA invites to Montreal. The American section EDTA organizes the EVS29, where BSM representatives Thomic Ruschmeyer and Andreas-Michael Reinhardt will take part in the conference to learn about the international economic, scientific and political developments.

Furthermore together with the e-mobility-agency of Germany's state Baden-Württemberg, the Stuttgart Region, Stuttgart fair and the Peter Sauber Agentur, BSM promotes the EVS 30. In 2017 the world's symposion will take place in Stuttgart hosted by BSM, as Germany's memeber of AVERE, and its partners.





As NGO, the German Association for Solar Mobility (BSM) has been representing active electromobilists, enterprises and environmentally conscious people since 1989. By contributing vast experience, technical details and a strong ecological mindset, BSM influences not only consumers, politicians and media, but also industrial, economic and opinion leaders.

Together with the charging system ‚Park+Charge‘ and LEMnet.org, BSM’s initial aim was to encourage driving electric by regenerative energy. With regard to climate change it also needs smart power grids, battery storage systems and decentralized networks as well as a transition of the transport sector. Thus BSM promotes ”sustainable mobility“ by informing public authorities, administrations and parliaments about the environmental and social impact of driving electric.

BSM members – foremost small and midsized businesses plus regional and local NGOs – frequently present their sustainable products and services on BSM-led group pavilions at international trade fairs like HANNOVER MESSE. The BSM  network comprises designers and makers of environment-friendly vehicles and multimodal, shared and other mobility solutions. New products and services need to be shaped, communicated and implemented into the process outlined by the COP21 Paris UN Treaty.

BSM is cooperating on a European level and is Germany’s member of AVERE – the European Association for Electromobility – which is one of the three Members of WEVA (World Electric Vehicle Association).



Partner EVS30
(Okt. 2017 in Stuttgart)