Kongress und Ausstellung: EVS27. Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition
20.11.2013 um 18:00 Uhr
Matthias Breust
Roland Reichel
Die Konferenz auf dem Messegelände von Barcelona gibt den Teilnehmern die Gelegenheit, sich auf internationaler Ebene zum Stand der Technik und der Marktentwicklung zu informieren und auszutauschen. Die Elektromobilität wird von den industrialisierten Ländern in ganz unterschiedlicher Weise unterstützt. Die Erfahrungen etwa Chinas oder der USA mit Kaufprämien oder aus skandinavischen Ländern mit zahlreichen Nutzervorteilen dürften für deutsche Teilnehmer besonders interessant sein.
Vehicles manufacturers and providers
Vehicle propulsion systems
Vehicle subsystems and components
Market, business and public policies
Energy and environment
Exhibition Area
In the exhibition you will see the latest battery, hybrid and fuel cell electric vehicles available on the market, prototypes and infrastructures for the electric vehicles as well as all types of components. You will find hundreds of exhibits from EV automakers, technology developers, manufacturers, infrastructure companies and more.
In the Ride&Drive you will have the opportunity to try all kinds of battery, hybrid & fuel cell electric vehicles in the regular traffic of Barcelona. This year the two wheelers will have a specific circuit.
Projects Dissemination
This year a new activity on European and International Projects Dissemination has been opened. The European Commission has been supporting many projects on electric mobility in the last years. This new section will give the opportunity to the public and the partners of the consortium to meet and exchange about the advances achieved. The projects will be selected by the IPC, International Program Committee.
Call for Papers
EVS27 is calling for abstracts covering research and activities across all fields related to battery, hybrid and fuel cell electric vehicles and their infrastructure and services. Submit your abstract for consideration in an EVS27 Auditorium Session or a Small Group/Poster Session. Abstracts are due by 15th February 2013.